Search Results

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Welcome to our United Kingdom search engine. This is a relatively small United Kingdom search engine index comprising some 112,466 pages. If you want a full and complete search, then use the Google form above to search for anything on the internet. This United Kingdom search engine was deployed to search the England Directory pages at our site because the search engine that came with the directory software wasn't very effective. The England Directory comprises the England component of the DMOZ directory. The DMOZ directory is not currently being maintained however many of the websites listed in the directory are still active on the internet. Some links have expired but the vast majority are still active so I feel its worth keeping this search engine operational for the time being. This search engine is for those people who might find some utility using a directory and the DMOZ directory was very effective in its day.

Search Results
Your search for Salisbury found the following documents (of 112466 documents searched):
Displaying documents 501-520 of 806, with best matches first:

501. Henry I, Beauclerc

The internet's most comprehensive information resource for the times, places, events and people of British history.
URL: - 32KB - 11 May 2012

502. Berwick St James Village website

Berwick St James village website - For information about the village's history, Fete and Dog show
URL: - 12KB - 11 May 2014

503. Farley Nursery Schools

Home About Our Story Awards & Press Uniform Fees Contact Farley Nursery School on Twitter Farley Nursery Schools on Facebook Farley outdoor...
URL: - 10KB - 11 Jun 2014

504. Essex Spirit Guide - Your guide to Psychic / spiritual events in Essex

Essex Spirit Guide, find out what Spiritual Events and Psychic Events are happening near you, we have Spiritualist Churches, workshops and many great spiritual articles.
URL: - 109KB - 11 Jun 2014

505. Old Beams Inn - Ibsley Ringwood Hampshire

The straightforward UK pub guide. Every pub includes description, map, beers, real, facilities, food, accommodation, entertainment and photos. County lists include whats on diaries for entertainment and pub quizzes.
URL: - 12KB - 11 Jun 2014

506. The Old Queens Head, Penn - Home

About the Old Queens Head, Penn. Great pubs in High Wycombe, Where to eat in High Wycombe
URL: - 13KB - 11 Jun 2014

507. GENUKI/Devon: Bickleigh (Nr. Tiverton) - Genealogy

GENUKI - Genealogical research information about Bickleigh (Nr. Tiverton), Devon, England.
URL: - 13KB - 11 Jun 2014

508. Flatpack Furniture Assembly Service | Flat Pack Assemblers UK

Flat Pack Assemblers furniture assembly service for home, office and commercial services.
URL: - 13KB - 11 Jun 2014

509. GENUKI/Devon: South Huish - Genealogy

GENUKI - Genealogical research information about South Huish, Devon, England.
URL: - 14KB - 11 Jun 2014

510. North Dorset Tri

Mambo - the dynamic portal engine and content management system
URL: - 15KB - 11 Jun 2014

511. The Whites - Home

The Whites « Home » Welcome Guest. Please Login or Register. Jun 11 th , 2014, 01:58am THIS FORUM SHUT AGAIN AFTER TEMPORARY RETURN! Welcome to the...
URL: - 15KB - 11 Jun 2014

512. Welcome to The Regent Engineering Co. (Walsall) Ltd - The Regent Engineering Co (Walsall) Ltd

Innovative products in formed metal for transport, security, construction and energy industry
URL: - 15KB - 11 Jun 2014

513. Security Window Films, Privacy Window Film, Safety Window Films, Kent

UK window film company, installers of 3M window films for security, bomb blast protection, safety, solar control & residential privacy in Kent, London and across the UK
URL: - 16KB - 11 Jun 2014

514. Trail Tribe - Offroading in Wiltshire

Wiltshire Trail Riding
URL: - 20KB - 11 Jun 2014

515. - Find a flatshare today or advertise your flatshare for free. London flatshare, Brighton Flatshare, Bristol flatshare, Birmingham flatshare, Leeds flatshare, Manchester flatshare, Edinburgh flatshare, Glasgow flatshare.
URL: - 20KB - 11 Jun 2014

516. Fareham Nomads Swimming Club

Edit this page Fareham Nomads Swimming Club Home About us Join us Contact Coaches Liaison officers Committee Competitions Calendar Competition entry...
URL: - 21KB - 11 Jun 2014

517. Pubs, Bars, Clubs, Nightlife

bar pub and nightlife details for london, birmingham, bristol, oxford and other major cities in the UK.looking for quiet county pubs, lively city bars or the best nightlife.
URL: - 21KB - 11 Jun 2014

518. Swindon Climate Action Network - Home

| Swindon Climate Action Network, working to inform people in Swindon and the surrounding areas about the problem of climate change and how to combat it.
URL: - 24KB - 11 Jun 2014

519. Mr Red´s Mid West - UK Folk Music

URL: - 25KB - 11 Jun 2014

520. Peters Elworthy & Moore - Chartered Accountants - Cambridge

Peters Elworthy and Moore. Peters Elworthy and Moore - Independent Chartered Accountants Cambridge, UK. PEM is one of the leading independent firms of Chartered Accountants in East Anglia, and prides itself on standing out from the crowd. With 13 Partners and around 100 staff, we are large enough to be able to offer a comprehensive range of business services but by retaining our in
URL: - 25KB - 11 Jun 2014

Documents 501-520 of 806 displayed.

Results Pages: << Previous | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | Next >>

Search Tip: If you get many seemingly unrelated results, try changing the match selector from any to all. This will force the search engine to search for ALL your search terms rather than ANY of them and consequently you will get fewer results that closely match your search words.

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The Tower of London, England, United Kingdom, UK Stonehenge, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom, UK The British Museum, London, England, United Kingdom