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Welcome to our United Kingdom search engine. This is a relatively small United Kingdom search engine index comprising some 112,466 pages. If you want a full and complete search, then use the Google form above to search for anything on the internet. This United Kingdom search engine was deployed to search the England Directory pages at our site because the search engine that came with the directory software wasn't very effective. The England Directory comprises the England component of the DMOZ directory. The DMOZ directory is not currently being maintained however many of the websites listed in the directory are still active on the internet. Some links have expired but the vast majority are still active so I feel its worth keeping this search engine operational for the time being. This search engine is for those people who might find some utility using a directory and the DMOZ directory was very effective in its day.

Search Results
Your search for art found the following documents (of 112466 documents searched):
Displaying documents 521-540 of 8269, with best matches first:

521. State of The Art Derby, Tattoo, Burlesque & Alternative Lifestyle Festival 2012

State of The Art Derby Tattoo, Burlesque & Alternative Lifestyle Festival. At Derby LIVE Assembly Rooms, Market Place DE1 3AH...
URL: - 13KB - 12 Jun 2014

522. Komyokan Dojo | Aikido – the dynamic martial art and self development system

Komyokan Dojo » Feed Komyokan Dojo » Comments Feed RSD Komyokan Dojo Komyokan Dojo Aikido – the dynamic martial art and self...
URL: - 14KB - 12 Jun 2014

523. Original Oil Paintings - Oil Painting Gallery - Fine Art Oil Paintings - Art Gallery Paintings

At Stewart Gallery in Sussex, England we stock modern and collectors paintings, oil paintings, original paintings, antique paintings, fine art, landscapes paintings, still life paintings, Italian paintings by artists including Nils H Christensen, Chris Adams, Gamba, Miglio,Sanzone, Irace, Colucci, Serafina, Canzanella,Iannicelli,Lucia Sarto and many more.
URL: - 15KB - 12 Jun 2014

524. The Framing Workshop

Picture Framing for Prints, Paintings, Photos and Mirrors at The Framing Workshop, Bath, England.
URL: - 15KB - 12 Jun 2014

525. Mall Galleries

Mall Galleries champion new contemporary figurative art by living artists with open exhibitions, competitions, bursaries, prizes, an art commissions service where artists create bespoke art, education programms and exhibition space.
URL: - 15KB - 12 Jun 2014

526. The Bessemer Gallery - Contemporary Art and Fine Craft

The Bessemer Gallery specialise in bringing you the very best bespoke art and fine contemporary craft from artists around the UK and Ireland.
URL: - 16KB - 12 Jun 2014

527. Embrace Arts

Embrace Arts The University of Leicester's arts centre- open to all
URL: - 16KB - 12 Jun 2014

528. Craniosacral Therapy in Stroud and Bristol | Reiki and Animal communication for Dursley

Artist and Therapist based in Stroud, Bristol and Dursley, offering Craniosacral Therapy, Reiki, Animal communication and art exhibits for Gloucester and surrounding areas.
URL: - 16KB - 12 Jun 2014

529. Blog.SpoonGraphics

Design Tutorials, Graphic Design Articles and Free Resource Downloads from the blog of Graphic Designer Chris Spooner.
URL: - 19KB - 12 Jun 2014

530. - The Cowshed - Isle of Wight, unusual and unique items for both home and garde

Whether it be a chest of drawers for the bedroom, scales for the kitchen, or staddlestones or chimney pots for the garden. There is always something unusual to be found at the Cowshed. The Cowshed is a family business based on the Isle of Wight.
URL: - 19KB - 12 Jun 2014

531. Document

Home Statement Gallery Painting Workshops, Tuition and Talks Commissions News Colcards Contact Buy Now Email Ronald Email Welcome Hello and welcome...
URL: - 20KB - 12 Jun 2014

532. Document

HMAG features information on upcoming events, exhibitions, historical collections and art galleries online.
URL: - 20KB - 12 Jun 2014

533. Furniture Loughborough Stores, Furniture Shops Leicester, Nottingham, Derby.

Traditional and contemporary furniture from the best of British and overseas manufacturers.
URL: - 21KB - 12 Jun 2014

534. Original Etchings, Lithographs, Silkscreens, Woodcuts & Linocuts by Picasso, Renoir, Toulous

Black Ink Masterprints Art Gallery, Stow-On-The-Wold, Cotswolds, Gloucestershire is a UK based company selling Original etchings, lithographs, engravings and woodcuts by the likes of Picasso, Renoir, Toulouse Lautrec, Moore, De Goeye, Chagall, Bottini, Baker, Drury amongst many others. As well as offering original etchings, our website offers brief information about lithographs, en
URL: - 22KB - 12 Jun 2014

535. Artel Supports Contemporary Art and Artists in Chichester

Artel is a successful contemporary art group in Chichester supporting artists in West Sussex
URL: - 23KB - 12 Jun 2014

536. Document

Home Photography Art Design Contact ../Example ../Example ../Example ../Mail, Phone, Fax ../lorem Abitas Limited Photography Art Design Landscape,...
URL: - 24KB - 12 Jun 2014

537. Guy Hepner - Los angeles contemporary art gallery

Los Angeles contemporary art gallery
URL: - 24KB - 12 Jun 2014

538. Museums & Galleries - Leicester City Council

Leicester Museums and Galleries. Our museums and galleries host collections of the finest objects of local, national and international importance covering social history, biology, fine and decorative arts, technology and archaeology. Complemented by a programme of events and temporary exhibitions.
URL: - 24KB - 12 Jun 2014

539. L A HUTCH | Fine Artist UK | Oil Paintings

Fine Art Oil Paintings. Recent work by L A Hutchinson combines man with dog to create surreal images exploring the more aggressive side to humanity
URL: - 25KB - 12 Jun 2014

540. Millennium Gallery, Weston Park, Graves Gallery & Bishops' House : Museums Sheffield

Events RSS feed Exhibitions RSS feed Jump to menu | Jump to content | Jump to sitemap Museums Sheffield Millennium Gallery, Weston Park, Graves...
URL: - 25KB - 12 Jun 2014

Documents 521-540 of 8269 displayed.

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The Tower of London, England, United Kingdom, UK Stonehenge, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom, UK The British Museum, London, England, United Kingdom